*De korrigerede nøgletal for CO2-emissioner anvendes normalt, når man beskriver udviklingen over en periode, og hvorimod de faktisk nøgletal for CO2- emissioner anvendes ved udarbejdelse af grønne regnskaber o.lign. Hent nøgletal for 2019 i Excel. Internationale nøgletal


Total costs per kWh electricity produced can then be expressed as: var Costs per ton CO2 mitigated can be calculated by subtracting the emissions of the 

När man pratar om utsläpp av CO 2 kan det vara svårt att visualisera det. Bilden visar volymen för 1 ton koldioxid.. Ofta beskrivs CO 2 utsläpp i form av handlingar, till exempel att 1 ton CO 2 motsvarar en flygresa tur och retur Stockholm – Genève. Do a quick conversion: 1 kilowatt hours = 0.0008604206500956 tons using the online calculator for metric conversions.

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This equaled about 0.92 pounds of CO2 emissions per kWh. Whether you’re a Powershop customer or not, we’ve put together this simple, handy calculator to help you see your household’s carbon emissions generated from electricity usage at your home or business (this is important because about one third of Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions are from electricity emissions). Choose your state. Most heaters run at around 2,000 watts. This means if you run a heater for an hour it will used 2 kWh and emit 1.88 kgs of CO2 (or 4.14 lbs) of CO2 per hour. This includes all products with heating elements, even small ones like electric blankets. Basically anything with a heating element chews electricity and creates huge emissions.

av J Fredén · 2010 · Citerat av 2 — Fjärrvärme: Växthusgasutsläpp per levererad kWh fjärrvärme [g CO2- ekv./kWhfjärrvärme]. Datasetet för återvinning av aluminium har 1 ton aluminiumtacka.

And in terms of the weight of the various components, this represents: 1 kg of carbon + 2.67 kg of oxygen give 3.67 kg of carbon dioxide and heat. How much CO 2 is produced per 1kWh of electricity? 12,183 kWh per home × 1,136.5 lbs CO 2 per megawatt-hour generated × 1/ (1-0.073) MWh delivered/MWh generated × 1 MWh/1,000 kWh × 1 metric ton/2,204.6 lb = 6.772 metric tons CO2/home. On average, electricity sources emit 0.947 lbs CO2 per kWh.

Ton co2 per kwh

av J Gode · 2005 — SEK/ton motsvarar en okning i elproduktionskostnaden pa ca 12-25 ore/kWh el. iii EOR-projekt finns t.ex. i USA dar ca 33 miljoner ton CO2 per ar anvands pa 

Ton co2 per kwh

Kerosene. kWh Fibreglass kg. 2.60. 20%.

1250 kWh ca 30 % 0,5 % 1 m3 flis ca. 800 kWh 35-55 % skogsflis 1,3 % 15 % torrflis 0,5 % 1m3 sågspån ca. 700 kWh 50-55 % ca 1 % Anm. Bränsle med över 60 % fukthalt går nästan överhuvudtaget ej att elda med. 1 ton pellets innehåller 4800-5000 kWh.
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Ton co2 per kwh

20%. Material. Construction material Gravel. Gravel ton.

Both main activity producers and autoproducers have been included … CO2-parameters 2021 up to date. At the end of January, the annual adjustments for the CO2-emission parameters were published and implemented in the Envirometer (partly with retroactive effect to 2015).
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Årligen binds också netto cirka 44 miljoner ton koldioxid- ekvivalenter i snittet i OECD 432 g CO2 per producerad kilowattimme, och i EU 16,2 g CO2/kWh el.

Chemists express this in a small formula: C + O 2 = CO 2 + heat. And in terms of the weight of the various components, this represents: 1 kg of carbon + 2.67 kg of oxygen give 3.67 kg of carbon dioxide and heat. How much CO 2 is produced per 1kWh of electricity? 12,183 kWh per home × 1,136.5 lbs CO 2 per megawatt-hour generated × 1/ (1-0.073) MWh delivered/MWh generated × 1 MWh/1,000 kWh × 1 metric ton/2,204.6 lb = 6.772 metric tons CO2/home. On average, electricity sources emit 0.947 lbs CO2 per kWh.

1 joule is equal to 2.3900573613767E-10 ton, or 2.7777777777778E-7 kWh. Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results. Use this page to learn how to convert between tons and kilowatt hours. Type in your own numbers in the form to convert the units! ›› Quick conversion chart of ton to kWh. 1 ton to kWh = 1162.22222 kWh

155. 150. En besparing på 1 kWh elektrisk energi motsvarar en besparing av.

Intern Energianvändning. (el+fjärrvärme per m2).